Hasanah Mobile is a service application for KSSPS BMT HASALAH members in order to make transactions easier for members.The following are KSPPS BMT Hasanah products:SAVING PRODUCTS:HUMAN SAVINGSEID UL FITRI SAVINGSQURBAN SAVINGSEDUCATION SAVINGSTERM MUDHARABAH SAVINGS:1 month term savings with profit sharing ratio 15%3 month term savings with profit sharing ratio 25%6 month term savings with profit sharing ratio 30%12 month term savings with profit sharing ratio 35%SHARIA FINANCING PRODUCTS:BUY AND SELLMurabahaDeliberationIsthisnaRegardsINVESTMENT/BUSINESS CAPITALMudharabahMusharakahMusyarakah MutanaqisahSERVICES/RENTALRahnIjarahHawalahIjarah Muntahiyah BitamlikBENEFITS FUNDQardhul Hasan